Friday, May 29, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 56 - The Secret Embrace

     The secret embrace, where the senses are quieted and where all knowledge is revealed from within, is the true connection.  In this embrace with the Almighty all truth is known and understood; silently without words or thought it comes.

     There is no need for advice or persuasion.  The opinions of others have no effect in this union.  Neither praise nor disparagement can move one who has found peace.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 55 - Living in Harmony

     Coexist in peace and out of that peace a beautiful melding of Spirit happens.  There is one Tao encompassing us, flowing and connecting all things.  In the flow of the Tao we are protected, nurtured and sustained.  In the flow, with ease we live.  There is no striving, no forcing, no manipulating and no competing.

     We back away from turmoil and find our center.  There in the midst of us is strength, reason and harmony.  The Tao guides us through the dark valleys and we fear no evil.

Living in harmony with the Tao, whatsoever we do shall prosper.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 54 - The World Needs You

     An act of kindness, a thought of love has vast repercussions and effect.  A single thought goes out to bless or curse.  Its impact cannot be known; we cannot know who it affects. A single smile, heartfelt and sincere can lift a sorrowing heart, if just for a moment.

     Live as if your thoughts and actions encompass the world, touching those who you have never seen nor ever will.  You are in the stream of Divine Love, a recipient of all the beneficent kindness and beauty of the Tao, as powerful to bless as to destroy.

     Live as if your life is crucial to the survival of the planet...because it is.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 53 - Walking the Great Way

     In your awareness believe that you are a part of all that is.  You are connected to every manifestation that has come forth from the Tao.  In this mind set, each day that you live becomes a prayer, a loving prayer.

     The walk is straight and smooth.  You know when you have strayed.  Unease follows, disquiet replaces peace.  Whether in thought, word or action, the Tao makes Itself known.  It is benign and compassionate.  Join with that loving Presence that knows no ill, holds no grudges, gives no sorrow, loves all equally, lifts up hearts and brings joy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 52 - The Practice of Eternal Light

     Out of nothingness were created the 10,000 things, each a masterpiece.  We can see without analysis, accepting the perfection in each tiny detail. And in this awareness we see with new eyes a reflection of the great Mother.

     A new meaning of clarity emerges and a new meaning of what is meant by strength becomes a living part of our awareness.

     Lao-Tzu cautions on guarding the senses, for in that discipline one can experience the radiance of the Mother.  Light does shine forth in those beautiful moments when we are aware of God all around us and in each creation.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 51 - Completion by the Virtues of the Tao

     The loving Source which created us gave us the freedom to complete ourselves.  It asks nothing from us: neither worship, nor sacrifice.  We can live by Its gentle wisdom or struggle with conflicting desires.

     We can love and appreciate without attachment or expectation.  We can do this with joy and allow what is - be.  We can see ourselves in every creation and give compassionately and lovingly and gently as does our Source.

     That which created us can guide us if we but listen to the gentle Way, the Way of the Heart...and follow.