Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 1 - The Nameless and the Named

     The nameless and named emerge from the same pure Source.  The essence of the Tao resides in each expression of Itself from the smallest cell to the greatest mountain.
Beyond attachment, beyond thought and words, Its essence is experienced.  Desire emerges with Its myriad manifestations.

Let us, as manifestations of the Tao given free expression, create in the words of Paul,
“...whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Friday, September 25, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Heart Knows What the Heart Knows

     Learning to trust in myself has been one of the greatest challenges of my life.  Here we are, all different yet all the same, all connected.  We have our own unique perspective and for each person, that perspective is relevant and valid.  As we grow older we become more and more ourselves, the one that was made and the mold was broken.  I think we honor our Creator when we acknowledge that.

     When I look at nature, there is no struggle, just the unfolding of what has been created: whole, perfect, true.  It is just that certainty that encourages me to relax and just be.  Some call it letting go and letting God.  I call it trusting my heart.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 81 - The Summing Up

     Across the vast landscape of our earthly experience the Spirit of the Tao flows and reaches deep into the myriad expressions of life.

     Beyond the words that attempt to name the nameless, circumscribe that which cannot be encompassed and beyond all the manifestations of the 10,000 things that appear and have appeared throughout human existence, there is the flow of the Tao.

     The Tao flows in this way:

     The need to argue and be right is released in the flow of compassion for yourself and others.

     The need to find fault and criticize is released in the gentle realization that everyone is doing their best with the knowledge and understanding that is theirs at the moment.

     The need to accumulate and possess is released in the knowledge that what is true and lasting has been given through Grace and meant to be shared.  For in sharing it is multiplied and more can be given and enriched.

     The gentle flow of the Tao does good and only good for the good of all.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 80 - Simplicity

     It all begins at home.  Home, meaning wherever you are, that is home.  To be at home in the world to me, is to find the common ground among peoples and the basic humanity that is the same for all of us no matter how different we may appear on the surface.

     Simplicity -  finding joy and enjoyment in working with your hands, whether it be fashioning a sculpture or jotting down a note.  Rough hewn or highly polished, it doesn't matter, you put a little bit of your soul into every effort.

     Labor-saving devices and inventions have their place, to be sure.  They free us up so we can return to those simple activities where we can find pleasure in creating something where before there was nothing.

     Like the Tao.