Monday, August 31, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - In Remembrance

     As I turned on my computer this morning, I learned of the passing of Dr. Wayne Dyer. The writings of  Dr. Dyer have been a strong influence in my life and have helped me make sense of a sometimes senseless world.  He will be missed. Rest in peace. You did good.

     Today marks the 47th anniversary of my mother's passing.
     How do I remember her?  With kindness and gratitude that such a loving spirit was my closest friend, one who cared for me like no other.  The challenges in her life were many, for my father was not an easy man to live with.  But she stayed.  It was not thinkable to part even if abused and devalued.

     I think when a spouse dies before their time like that, it is kind of an escape.  If parting in any other way was unthinkable then death was, after all, the only way.

     But she was kind and gentle to me, not always, but enough that that is the way I think of her.  She never forsake me, no matter what path I took.

     I miss that loyalty in my own life and with my own family, but I hope to think this abandonment is for a purpose, a way for me to grow in an entirely new direction.  I am a part of a larger family and have learned to love and appreciate myself as reflected in the many different eyes and through my connection to my Creator.

     Yes, I am cared for and I give thanks that my origins have blessed me and that my dear, sweet- natured mother has found peace "in the house of the Lord forever".

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