Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 34 - Greatness

     We are creations of the Tao as is all living things in the world.  How great it is to have such parentage!

     Invisible, silent and all pervasive, It fills and surrounds us in a gentle, loving way. It does not need our worship or our praise.  It does not need nor want our sacrifice.  It gives and asks nothing in return.  Therefore, It is great and as we follow this loving, humble and compassionate Creator, we are great also.

     Can I see the greatness in you?  Without preconceived notions of right and wrong, beyond labels the world or my limited perception has placed upon you, can I see you as a child of God, perfect and complete, giving and loving in your own unique way?

     Let me look today with eyes in the clear vision of love.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 33 - Inner Knowing

     The Intelligence that flows through every aspect of the 10,00 things flows through me.  Not only does it heal and regenerate working always to bring equilibrium, it is aware of my feelings and with compassionate benevolence offers Its solace, beauty and calm.

     With silent grace, It is present.  As I listen within and allow feelings of dismay, wounded pride and sorrow  to flow and let be, those feelings will subside; the all-knowing, everywhere present Tao remains and guides me toward inner strength and self-mastery.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 32 - Gently Down the Stream

     How easy life is when we flow with ease, with grace and with joy.  We are one with the great fabric of life that surrounds us, infills us and is ever loving to us in the degree that we are aware of its presence. It cannot be diminished or exhausted and it encompasses all things in the world.

     Ever late I come to the table.  But I am here now and arrive at the perfect time; not looking back with regrets, knowing my unfoldment was divinely ordained and seeing with new eyes.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 31 - No Need to Defend

     Even if in my mind I defend myself at your expense and the need to justify and prevail dominates, those thoughts go out to injure you and we both are in disharmony with the loving flow of life.

     Even if I raise my voice in anger or outrage, the very air vibrates with chaos and God cannot be found in this barren wasteland of destruction.

     Why do I raise these unloving thoughts against you?  Am I protecting myself from injury or heartbreak?  Now I am strong enough to know that I am safe and the ego's rants are just a crying out for protection and are not needed anymore.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 30 - I Will Fight No More Forever - Chief Joseph

     When words wound,
     it is the speaker
     who is diminished.

     The place inside themselves
     where thoughts of injury arise
     becomes a wasteland
     where there is no
     trace of God.

     The wounded take
     the blow that breaks the heart
     and opens wider
     for God's healing grace
     and loves still more
     from that place.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 29 - There is a time for every purpose under Heaven

     There is a comfort knowing that the Divine has it all figured out and there is no need to jostle for position, "make" something happen, or control anyone or anything.  There is a time for action and a time to just let it be.

     Often when I just "let it be", it takes on a life of its own, following a sublime path, and with a feeling of awe, I watch as everything naturally falls into place without my interference.

     The natural way is a stressless journey, allowing and following the gentle nudging from within, finding an effortless path through life.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 28 - Orginal Virtues

     "Be a valley under heaven. 
      Preserve your original virtues
      before the world began."

     What was bestowed on me, I give:  the original virtues of kindness, gentleness and love, freely given, freely received and given again.

     It is our heritage from the Creator.  It is our guide in all matters and in all circumstances of the world.  It cannot fail.  It seeks not fame or acknowlegement, or special consideration.  It belongs to all.

     It flows, if allowed, in every loving word and deed.  It asks nothing.  Its nature is love, and it is our nature as well.

     When I find it in another, we are one.