Saturday, June 27, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 65 - Simplicity

     Even the most beautiful, intricate flower is simply made.  It grows out of a simple plan: to survive and thrive.  Its beauty comes from its true essence.  Each showy form an efficient geometry to actualize its life.

     The Tao has thought of everything.  It gives us life and guides us through it - if we but listen.  It provides us with the discernment to pause and let its wisdom become our own.  All we need to know is silently given in the stillness.  The Tao is available to all.

     While the ego creates drama and complications, the Tao's wise teachings gently come - in the silence.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 64 - Small Steps

     In each tiny detail nature shows the care in creation from the stamen of a flower to a butterfly's wing.  Each form and color carefully expressed reveals an incomprehensible intelligence beyond the scope of the human mind.

     In our lives we can choose to follow our Source in the care in the details of our lives.  No matter how small, love and attention given day by day, reveals the beauty and meaning of our time here on earth.

     All things are small in the beginning.  Let seeds of love be the only ones we grow.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 62 - Within

     The sacred place within, the divine connection to our Source is a place of love and compassion.  In harmony with the Tao, I pray to forgive my errors and those of others.  I pray to live, knowing what I offer will in some way lift up a soul who has put on the ego's guise, the world's 10,000 things and been lost among its thorns.

     How can I do this for myself and every other person I come in contact with?  Gently, as the Tao is gentle, lovingly as the Tao is loving and silently I can offer the gifts of my heart.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 63 - In the Moment

     This is what is given:  a moment. With clarity and calm a moment becomes a lifetime, a daily doing without doing in this moment.

     When centered in the Tao, there are no fears, no worries, no obstacles that cannot be met in this moment.

     Second by second we live our lives.  Second by second we decide and do what is before us to do.  Living in the present moment we receive what we need for now.  And now becomes a lifetime of living moment by moment.

     Each day that we step out in faith our connection to our Source provides what we need to live in this moment.  One foot in front of another, obstacles melt away, our path is clear and we are free.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 61 - Stillness and Receptivity

     In quiet moments I listen with my heart.  I hear the voices of a hundred generations leading me to love.

     In the stillness of the night, when all is hushed and calm, Your Spirit rises in me and I know that I am loved.

     In the dawning of the day, You whisper "This is strength.  For giving and forgiving, receive."

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 60 - Protection

When we are in harmony with the Tao all the benefits of our Creator are bestowed upon us.  All the protection from evil surrounds us.  Our higher nature prevails and evil is rendered impotent.

     In our daily lives there are many opportunities to practice mentally retreating to a higher awareness which protects us from the negative thoughts, words and actions of others.  When we are in that loving space that resonates with the Tao, conflicts defuse and evil dissolves.

  I am patient with myself as I learn to live the Tao.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 59 - Restraint

     The Tao gives without flourishes, without pronouncements, generously and without preamble.  In Its vast loving nature It fills the needs of all creation.

     I marvel at the efficiency of nature; all of creation has its place and time.  It needs no outside influence to "tame" it.  It needs no rule from the hand of man.  When we live in harmony with the Tao, we can let what is, be.

     Long life is given to those whose virtue is rooted deeply in the Tao.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 58 - The One Constant

     In the ever evolving world of the 10,000 things the Tao is ever present, never changing.

     What is seen as good fortune, what is seen as bad luck is a perception that is true for the moment then evolves into its opposite.  That is why relying on outer circumstances to define ourselves is a false identity.  That is why our own hearts are the true indicators of the quality of our lives.

     Accepting the opposing aspects of life and remaining serene and untroubled is having faith in the loving, ever constant Tao.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 57 - Actualization

     The Tao does not will, command nor restrict.  The Tao allows, for each as been created to complete themselves.  The seeds of completion are in themselves.  With purity of mind and heart and spirit, the Tao does so perfectly;  Its beauty evident in its fruits.

     The highest nature is in us, bequeathed by the great Force that does not force.  Our growth is governed by the care and love we are given.  With our roots in the Tao we become as beautiful as our Creator.

     If love and freedom are withheld, we grow impoverished.  With faith and an open heart, we once again can become the beautiful beings that were created before the world began.