Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 11

     The center, that inner most part of us, where all is known and understood, where dwells that great silence, is our connection to the Source of everything. To open to that connection is to join with our origin; that is the way of peace.

     I have sought You in churches and beautiful landscapes and in art and in a child's eyes.  You are in all those places.  You are everywhere.  But my own dear Creator is also within me.

     Deep in the center of my being, silent and ever present, You wait for  me to come home.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 10

     We are whole; there is no separation.  There can be no isolation, for we are all one.  We are the variety of God's fancy and one is not more important than another.  Call us God's children.  We have one Father.

     So you are my sister and you are my brother no matter what part of the world you call your home or what race you are a member of.  To think otherwise is to deny your origins, deny the One who conceived and created you.

     It is that simple.  We are one.

     We are one with the Earth and sky and stars.  We are one with every thing on Earth and if it be known or even knowable, every universe or galaxy.  That makes us as large as God Itself and as small as a grain of sand, sparkling in the sun.


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 9

     Live simply, taking delight in each perfect moment, for it is perfect just as it is.  Seeking more than what each moment offers makes dissatisfaction, a desire for more and a soul that is ever in turmoil:  restless, oblivious to what is before it.

     Nature is perfect, innately knowing when the moment of perfection has been reached, knowing when to stop and step back and enjoy what is has created.

     Live simply and value what is.  It is enough.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 8

     Flowing like water, gentle, life giving, seeking nothing, but giving, giving, giving:  life, refreshment, beauty, delight.

     The way of Tao is the way of water.  It seeks without seeking.  It fills the low places, is sensitive to emotional vibrations.  It knows as a natural phenomenon that gentleness is profound and radiates from Its source to effect in mysterious, but loving ways.

     Be like water, flowing, responding, never stagnant, filling low places that others reject.  Be kind to all, above no one.

     Life giving.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 7

The Art of Giving without Attachment

     How generous is nature, giving freely without anticipation of return.  Because we are of God, the God in us gives of Itself.  As we let it flow, it does give - in joy, in peace, in harmony.  It is our nature to give, and so we cannot do otherwise.

     It can be a simple thing: a smile, a kind word, a helping hand.  We need not count it up, tally and keep score, yet the rewards are great: a life lived in beauty and peace and appreciation for who we are and from where we came.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 6

     This verse resonates in me like no other.  The mysterious feminine in us all is the root of all creation.  No need to strive or reach out or do complicated lists of exercises.  Just be and it rolls in like thunder to complete, to inspire, to urge on to accomplishment.  It resides in us all, the secret is in allowing, without judging "good" or "bad". It evolves in a perfect way and It is perfect.

     The true nature will prevail.  All that is needed is an awareness of Its presence. It is gentle and quiet.  It speaks without words or sounds.  It knows our very hearts and It fulfills like nothing outside ourselves can.

     Trust in It, lean on It and It will not fail.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 5

     God is impartial.  The great Creator cares for and loves everyone and everything the same.  When have we strayed?  At one point we were like that, long ago when we were born and in the first few years of life.
     Even now before has been judged, compared to now.  There is a center between heaven and earth where all things are known and understood.  I sit still and am in that center where I am close to God and feel God's love.
     No one is more important than another;  all are the same to God.  Each encounter is a sacred moment where there is an opportunity to be as God is.  To find in that moment the perfect peace that passes understanding.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 4

     It is a miraculous concept but true and real: we are surrounded, infilled and sustained by the all-loving, everywhere-present Creator of the universe.  The Creator is of love and if a life is lived in this awareness, there is nothing more needed. Lacks, limitations are error thoughts, for the truth is that all is provided, right here, right now.

     I keep my mind stayed on God; my eye is single.  I live and move and have my being in the powerful, living Creator of the universe.  In this awareness, I am eternal and a part of all that is, forever.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 3

     The way to happiness is happiness is the way.  To live in joy, to cherish each moment in this perfect creation where all is provided as we allow it to unfold.  I did not will my creation and I became.  Possessions, acquisitions, accomplishments, lofty goals are the way to discontentment.

     Let the flow of the Divine course through me.  It will provide as it always has -  opulently, generously.  That is It's way.

     I do not have to travel to faraway places, accumulate things, own objects.  My riches are within and I let them come forth by trusting in the power of God.

     Where can I help?  Let my actions be selfless and flow gently, deliberately, lovingly, where they are needed, wanted and accepted.

     The gratitude is mine, that I can help, assist, give.  For that is why I was created.  I pray that the way will be shown to me as I trust and allow.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 2


“Beyond our ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there."    Rumi

     To live without judgment, opinions or the necessity to prove someone right or wrong. To live without defending or explaining oneself. To live in a sublime neutrality where there is only appreciation and thankfulness, an awareness that all is of a piece, all one and I am a part of that glorious whole where there is an exquisite continuum and can never be remembered or forgotten. To live within the paradox and be at peace.

      To work without effort, to compete without regard for results. An end to striving, arriving; to savor each remarkable moment without judgment, without labeling as good or bad; it is all good. God has declared it for all time and I am one who has taken it upon herself to be in tune with that original solitary judgment.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 1

      The nameless mystery of the Way the world works.  Without working, just allowing, letting what is, until it dissolves into the nothingness from whence it came. All things, all beings, all situations, all circumstances once had their origin in nothing, until we animate it, give it substance, focus on it; it arises and is.

      So now I let it come, let it form what it will and I observe.  I observe what I perceive it to be, not judging, just following it with my heart, my feelings, as it resonates within me. and I let it go.  It is not me, it is not a commentary of me.  It does not describe me or define me.  I remain as I was created, as I let it be what it is, I am still the one who was created as me.  An experiment by God in endurance, a student of the mystery who is learning to trust the Creator.