Friday, July 31, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 72

A hundred thousand miracles are happening every day. Flower Drum Song
     Now in the golden light of early morning the quiet of this solitary time fills my room with silent whisperings...
     I feel Your presence as a stirring in my soul.
     With new eyes I see the miraculous in the everyday.
     With new awareness I perceive myself in You.
     As You flow outward as the 10,000 things, You are everywhere.
     Each new day a revelation and a joy.


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Positive Construction - Building the True Foundation

     What makes a tree stand tall and grow many feet into the sky?  What enables a bridge to span the widest river?  What gives stability to even the wandering soul across a lifetime of roaming and seeking?  Deep roots, a firm foundation and connection to the Author of our soul.

     The same principles that are revealed in nature hold true for each of us.  Building a strong foundation for life doesn't necessarily mean living in one place throughout our years.  That has its benefits and also its detriments.  What animates us, what gives us strength to grow and thrive lies deep within our being.

     The stronger we allow our connection to our Source, the more stable we grow, the more we flourish, the more our lives take on a greater meaning.

     It is not in building up muscles to mirror strength; it is not in exercising our brain to retain clarity of mind.  What gives strength and lucidity is stepping out in faith and trusting in the Goodness that surrounds and infills us.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 71 - Balance and Harmony

     True health is being in balance with the 10,000 things.  The world, representing excess, disharmony and extremes, would have you distracted from your true Tao nature of harmony, gratitude, love and joy.

     When thoughts of anger, fear, grief and stress of any kind fill the mind, sickness soon follows.

     Being aware of our thoughts, making peace with those untoward parts of ourselves brings us into harmony with the Tao.

     When we are in harmony with the Tao, our bodies, a magnificent gift, responds with health.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 70 - We Are All Gods

     We have in us all the wisdom of the ages.  Each life is a priceless testament to our God-given heritage.  When we recognize our divinity we walk and speak silently with love - the language of God.  When we are asleep, hypnotized by the world. we speak loudly, harshly, our words true reflections of the turmoil that is within.

     Is it easy to follow the Tao?  Lao Tzu thought so.  His world 2,500 years ago was no different from ours, human nature being what it is.  Hate, prejudice, broken relationships abounded in his day also.  Yet he says the Tao is easy to understand.

     What does it take then to bring out, awaken and live by this beautiful and simple path to peace?  Trust and faith, surrender and compassion... for ourselves and every other being on our planet.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Friday, July 17, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 69 - Who Are Our Enemies

     Those parts of us that we are not able to love come reflectng back to us in others.  Then we call them enemies.

     We are all one and when we perceive an enemy, we break with the Tao to whom we are all equal, all loved.

     There is no room for harmony or for the loving Creator in a heart filled with conflict.

     When we have compassion for those unlovely parts of ourselves, we make peace with the world.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - The Peace That Passes Understanding

     How gently Spirit moves.  How lovingly It nurtures and heals.

     Be patient, my soul, and see the wonder and miracles of God.

     All things that are yours will come without effort.  What is yours cannot be separated from you.

     That is the ultimate understanding:  all things return to their Source.  All things cannot be apart from that which created it.

     In peace I wish you well.  In peace I behold the love of God in you.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 68 - The Ultimate Unity with Heaven

     A cooperating spirit raises us up, a contentious spirit weakens us.

     In all of creation since the world began there has been no one like you.  Like snowflakes, none are alike; the Tao does not duplicate Itself.

     Contests, competitions, any event or life circumstance that pits one against the other can bring profound lessons to those who are aware of the abiding nature of the Tao.  We all come from the Creator; we are one.

     When we fight, resist or contend with a perceived enemy, opponent or difficult situation, we weaken ourselves.  True strength comes from using the perceived difficulty to bring out excellence in whatever we focus on.

     This is the power of the Tao, our unity with Heaven.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 67 - The Three Treasures

     All the qualities of the Tao are within us.  When we tap into that rich treasure house and endeavor to live its wisdom, our lives flow with harmony and peace.

     Love is the great protector.  It is the armor against hate, prejudice and anger.  It resolves conflict and strengthens both foe and friend.  When all are strengthened, all are victorious.

     Nature is both spare and lavish.  Through economy, She bestows the riches of the Earth upon those who use Her gifts wisely.

     "The meek shall inherit the Earth."  Do those words sound familiar?  There is strength in silence, in quieting the towering ego and bringing forth in our nature that wisdom which was given from on high.  Meekness is not weakness.  It takes strength to turn away wrath.  Leading with gentleness and calm, leading with compassion and remaining humble, we honor our Tao nature.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 66 - "It is not I, but the Christ within which does the work."

     How can we claim importance when all inspired thoughts and actions are given by our Source?  In gratitude we lie low and the streams of inspriation flow to us.

     Humbly we receive all the love and bounty of our Creator.  Our hands and hearts are instruments of the Divine to be used in service, God's gifts to give.