Monday, December 28, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 17 - The Tao of Leadership

     These are the levels of leadership: 
  • The greatest leader trusts those they would lead wherein the people have faith in themselves to proceed rightly.  This respects the innate qualities of the individual where all feel powerful and in control of their own destinies.  
  • The revered leader is praised, honored and loved.  People look up to them for guidance, but the guidance is rightly in themselves.
  • Governing by fear, either imposing it or evoking it in the people is short lived, for when the threat is gone, so is the power it holds.
  • At the lowest level, a leader who uses their power to harm their people, will experience rebellion and will eventually be destroyed.
     What kind of leader will the people here in the U.S. elect in the coming year?  I believe the outcome will reflect the prevailing consciousness of our times.  As we rise in awareness let us have faith that our leaders will also rise and a new era of justice and equality will prevail.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 16 - The Return

     As I look out my window this bright December morning the trees are now bare.  For awhile there, it seemed as if they would cling to the branches indefinitely.  In a few days it will be officially Winter, a time when Nature sleeps.  We humans use this time to color our days with festivals, parties and overindulgences of every kind in order to keep the darkness at bay.

     In this dark and quiet time renewal takes place, whether we resist it or embrace it.  The sage is aware that this is a time to return to our root Source and be aware that endings are a signal that there are new beginnings emerging.

     Broken relationships, job changes, transitioning from this earthly plane and a hundred other endings that are faced in the course of this journey can be painful if held with attachment.  Endings are impartial and if dealt with a compassionate heart and not resisted can be a welcome for new possibilities.

     In quiet times amid the comings and goings of the season let us be aware of our Source, letting the constant Love that is always there welcome us home.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Wandering Off the Path - Psychoanalysis

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 15 - The Tao Master

     Not by appearances the master is known.  What transpires within only can be known through time like muddied water gradually clearing in stillness.

     In its time the river merges with the sea.  In its time the seedling pushes through the soil and is loved by the sun.  Nature has an order; it is open to possibilities.

     Aware, alert yet still within, the Tao master harmonizes with the world.  No force is needed; all that is true and beautiful, loving and peaceful comes to us in its own time, orchestrated by an Invisible Hand in Divine Order.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey Verse 14 - It is....

     Whatever you know It to be in your heart, It is.  And so It is soundless, invisible and without form.  That freedom and belief in the Spirit within each one of us given to us by Grace, is the gift to choose, to make of the Tao as we will, defined by our own individual perception.

     We can make of It a great tyrant, a great father or a great friend.  Defining the Tao empirically is impossible.  It is many different things to many people.

     We can choose to harmonize with It, resist It, or ignore It, but It is ever aware of us, giving of Its love, whether or not we choose to accept it.

     Joined with the Tao and in Its flow, life is a paradise.  Indifferent to It, taking up our own yoke in the world, sets us up for a life of pain and grief.

     We choose.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 13 - True Nature

     Following your true nature is not glamorous.  In following it you will not receive honors or accolades or admittance to the Hall of Fame.  But it will not disgrace you; it will not leave you bereft when the spotlight has dimmed and you are alone on an empty stage.

     The ego feeds on praise, seeks it and is nourished by its presence.  When praise is withdrawn, when the opinions of others turn against you, the ego punishes and can drive you to despair.

     That is why following your true nature, the nature of the Tao and evoking the qualities of love, gratitude and peace will always raise you up from a world gone mad to dwell with angels.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 12 - The Allure of the Manifested World

     The world of effects, the 10,000 things, can lead us a not-so-merry chase.  Colors, tastes, sounds and transitory sensations are but effects and dissipate like smoke in the air.

     In striving after possessions, money and fame, when is enough, enough?  Living from the center of our being where all is at peace, we know true joy lasting as long as we are aware, trusting and faithful to the Author of our being.

     Living simply, nurturing the highest and best in ourselves, we know deep within we have enough and we are enough.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 11 - The Silence Within

     Within us is a stillness, an active and aware emptiness. It is intelligent and loving and It is our true essence.  It defines us as children of the Most High.

     Living from this pure, true essence, our world transforms into one of beauty, love and joy.  As we turn back from the distractions of the world, we join with our true nature which is always there in the silence welcoming us home.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 10 - Questions, Questions, Questions

     In the 10th verse of the Tao Te Ching Lao Tzu asks if we can live the Mystic Virtues.

     Can we remain centered in the knowledge that we are all one as we live in the external, material world?

     Can we be true without straying, holding steadfast no matter what circumstances appear to divide us?

     Can we be like children, seeing the world free of judgment, self-righteousness, arrogance and rigidity?

     Can we love the people in our lives without domination or manipulation?

     These are the challenges of living in the world of the 10,000 things.  Day by day we return and return again to the silence of our souls where all is known and all is at peace.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 9 - Knowing When to Stop

     I have often overdone, over thought and tried too hard.  In my pursuit of perfection, I have forced, coerced and striven far beyond what was necessary.  In doing so, many a  project was inelegantly expressed, artlessly overwrought.

     I am learning my lesson as stated in this 9th verse of the Tao Te Ching.  Applying this wisdom in my everyday activities has been a real eye opener.

     Sculpting has helped me a great deal.  I can see it easily and the material shows me so when I have done too much and made a needlessly detailed piece.  The lines that are beautiful are simple and plainly realized, more profound and meaningful.

     Learning to apply this wisdom in relationships is something else again.  I've become more of a listener, sometimes a captive one, to others views, problems and dramas.

     It is fruitless to try and reciprocate, for I have learned I have no need to explain, impress or assert my views when confronted with an individual so in need of validation.  I would rather cherish the insights gained through painful life experiences and know in my heart I am loved just as I am.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 8 - The Flow of the Tao

     As gently as water flows,
     taking nothing, giving all,
     the Tao reflects the wonders
     and colors of all
     it has made.
     It replenishes the desert lands
     within our minds.
     It nourishes our souls
     with green pastures
     of life.

     The softest element
     can be the strongest.
     With time and devotion,
     It makes Its presence known
     gently and lovingly to all.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 7 - How the Tao Lasts Forever

     Imagine a friend who asks nothing of you, who listens to your hopes and sorrows, who is always there when needed, never judging, always comforting.  Imagine this friend giving you all the companionship, peace and joy, as much as you are capable of receiving at the moment.  Imagine a selfless host, healing your body and mind and guiding your spirit with understanding and wisdom.

     This is the Tao, the Author of the Universe, the gentle Lover that gives and asks nothing in return.  Its effect is eternal; it changes lives and living day by day in harmony with Its Spirit and emulating Its ways brings you all you could ever need in this life.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 6 - The Valley Spirit

     The Valley Spirit, the Divine Feminine, the source of all creation flows through everyone.  It is ever present, ever creating and ever the source of all accomplishment and understanding.

     Without words or sound It lifts us up to a higher awareness if we but harmonize and resonate with Its Spirit in all that we think, say and do.

   When we base our lives on this loving, creative Spirit, It bestows peace upon us and on our world.  Inexhaustible, the more we call upon it to guide and strengthen our lives, the more It responds with compassion and love.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 5 - What Has Always Been

     The inexhaustible flow of Love that surrounds and infills us is never partial.  It is available and offered to all.

     It is aware of all It has created and we can feel that loving attentiveness when we grow silent in the sacred space of our thoughts.  

     With our minds and hearts turned heavenward, we receive the strength and power of the Tao.  We receive Its gentleness and love.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 4 - The Infinite Perspective

     That which created us and surrounds us, is beyond vast and immeasurable.  It is the Love that spins our Earth, beats our hearts and gives without end.

     The nameless Goodness that created everything is aware of us, smooths our way and heals our sorrows.  When we give It reign over ourselves, we know we are never alone in this journey of life and all we need is here and now.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

I Am Here

      I am here, Lord,
      Just me.
      Without a label to put on me
      as the world wants to do.
      Your child does not need to be
      categorized by the government
      evaluated by ladies in the lobby.
      Your child is as You created her.
      So I ask You this day, Lord
      to bless my endeavors,
      to point me out the way,
      to comfort me in my

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 3 - Value

     Value yourself and your accomplishments.  Only you know the challenges and overcoming it took to arrive at the place where you have found contentment and peace.

  Value not material objects, but the knowledge and wisdom you have gathered through the years and made the very fabric of your life.

     No one is above another.  We are all cherished  by our Creator.  Our value lies not in achievement or possessions, but within our hearts and the love that we give.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 2 - The Purity of the Moment

     In these early days of Autumn, if not for the long and warm days of summer, how could we know the days grow short and the air grows cool? 

     For all that is named exists in a world of comparison, of values, of judgments.   But to live in each moment without attachment, appreciating them for their intrinsic value, is to create new worlds, new wonders and new life.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 1 - The Nameless and the Named

     The nameless and named emerge from the same pure Source.  The essence of the Tao resides in each expression of Itself from the smallest cell to the greatest mountain.
Beyond attachment, beyond thought and words, Its essence is experienced.  Desire emerges with Its myriad manifestations.

Let us, as manifestations of the Tao given free expression, create in the words of Paul,
“...whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

Friday, September 25, 2015

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Heart Knows What the Heart Knows

     Learning to trust in myself has been one of the greatest challenges of my life.  Here we are, all different yet all the same, all connected.  We have our own unique perspective and for each person, that perspective is relevant and valid.  As we grow older we become more and more ourselves, the one that was made and the mold was broken.  I think we honor our Creator when we acknowledge that.

     When I look at nature, there is no struggle, just the unfolding of what has been created: whole, perfect, true.  It is just that certainty that encourages me to relax and just be.  Some call it letting go and letting God.  I call it trusting my heart.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 81 - The Summing Up

     Across the vast landscape of our earthly experience the Spirit of the Tao flows and reaches deep into the myriad expressions of life.

     Beyond the words that attempt to name the nameless, circumscribe that which cannot be encompassed and beyond all the manifestations of the 10,000 things that appear and have appeared throughout human existence, there is the flow of the Tao.

     The Tao flows in this way:

     The need to argue and be right is released in the flow of compassion for yourself and others.

     The need to find fault and criticize is released in the gentle realization that everyone is doing their best with the knowledge and understanding that is theirs at the moment.

     The need to accumulate and possess is released in the knowledge that what is true and lasting has been given through Grace and meant to be shared.  For in sharing it is multiplied and more can be given and enriched.

     The gentle flow of the Tao does good and only good for the good of all.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 80 - Simplicity

     It all begins at home.  Home, meaning wherever you are, that is home.  To be at home in the world to me, is to find the common ground among peoples and the basic humanity that is the same for all of us no matter how different we may appear on the surface.

     Simplicity -  finding joy and enjoyment in working with your hands, whether it be fashioning a sculpture or jotting down a note.  Rough hewn or highly polished, it doesn't matter, you put a little bit of your soul into every effort.

     Labor-saving devices and inventions have their place, to be sure.  They free us up so we can return to those simple activities where we can find pleasure in creating something where before there was nothing.

     Like the Tao.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - In Remembrance

     As I turned on my computer this morning, I learned of the passing of Dr. Wayne Dyer. The writings of  Dr. Dyer have been a strong influence in my life and have helped me make sense of a sometimes senseless world.  He will be missed. Rest in peace. You did good.

     Today marks the 47th anniversary of my mother's passing.
     How do I remember her?  With kindness and gratitude that such a loving spirit was my closest friend, one who cared for me like no other.  The challenges in her life were many, for my father was not an easy man to live with.  But she stayed.  It was not thinkable to part even if abused and devalued.

     I think when a spouse dies before their time like that, it is kind of an escape.  If parting in any other way was unthinkable then death was, after all, the only way.

     But she was kind and gentle to me, not always, but enough that that is the way I think of her.  She never forsake me, no matter what path I took.

     I miss that loyalty in my own life and with my own family, but I hope to think this abandonment is for a purpose, a way for me to grow in an entirely new direction.  I am a part of a larger family and have learned to love and appreciate myself as reflected in the many different eyes and through my connection to my Creator.

     Yes, I am cared for and I give thanks that my origins have blessed me and that my dear, sweet- natured mother has found peace "in the house of the Lord forever".

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 79 - Forgivness

"Where there is injury, let me give pardon."         St. Francis of Assisi

     The need to be right, that champion of the ego, creates dissension and disruption to the soul that wants above all else to follow the way of the Tao.
      Why is the need to be right so tied in to one's self worth?  Is it not enough to be loved and sustained by the Supreme Power, to be acknowledged as the offspring of our Creator?
     Forgiving is the way of the Tao.  Letting be and giving kindness, compassion and love where there was resentment before; that is the way to peace.  Finding strength in proffering those qualities, not in a surface way, but in the spirit of our oneness, is allowing the flow of the Tao to bless us all. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 78 - Yielding

     Like water, yield to those hard and rigid places that present themselves as obstacles. In yielding there is strength not weakness.

     " A soft answer turns away wrath."  The Tao teaches a gentler, more powerful way of being, so paradoxical to what we have been taught in Western culture.

     The Way of Tao is a kinder path in life: effective and compassionate.  It is doing without doing; it is overcoming without force; it is the power of peace.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 77 - The Tao of Balance

     Nature's way is to restore balance: where there is excess, Nature reduces and where there is scarcity, Nature increases.  When forests grow too thick, wildfires thin  In land saturated with rain and flood, eventually drought occurs. Mountains are worn down, valleys built up.

     One of the ways to allow new prosperity into our lives is to take stock of what we own, clear out the excess by whatever means:  gifts to those who are in need, garage sales, recycling and finally, the trash.

     Clearing out the clutter does more than beautify a space;  it clears the mind allowing new thoughts, ideas and inspiration to flow in.

     The talents you possess, the knowledge you've gained, the joy you feel, the loving kindness you show in caring for yourself are all meant to be shared. As the song says, "and the world will be a better place".

Friday, August 14, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 76 - Yielding

      The nature of the Tao can be seen as a paradox.  The hardest things manifest weakness while those things that are flexible and yielding are strong and full of life.  Rigidity, brittleness and hard resolve are weaknesses and stagnations.  In nature that which does not grow, dies.

     So often the higher ways of the Tao run counter to our Western values.  Have our hard lines and opinionated views brought us peace or most importantly, harmony with the nature of the Tao?

     We live on a planet with astounding diversity.  Being willing to listen and respect those whose ways are different from ours, is strength and ultimately will bring us closer to our life-giving Source.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 75 - Freedom from Restraints

     The Tao that infills us provided us with all that we need to live, thrive and prosper.  That is true of each wondrous creation on the planet.

     And it is enough.  There is no need to grasp, intrude or confiscate that which is another's.  What is best for others is up to them to decide.  Each has been given the gift of discernment whether or not we agree in the manner others chose to live their lives.

     Each finds their own way in their own way The spirit flags when overburdened with rules and restrictions.  The spirit blossoms when free of restraint.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 74 - Let it Be

     All things have their life span.  The seeds of the 10,000 things have their growth, fruition and demise.  The Tao is all pervasive and infills all.  It lets us complete ourselves in our own way.  Yet we are ever connected to It.

     It is the eternal part of us that does not change, though our bodies do.  Our spirit is infinite and immortal.

     This is true of all of us, no matter how we have chosen to complete ourselves.  When we discard our bodies, our spirits rise to join in the vast oneness of the Tao.  Therefore, all life is sacred.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 73

To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven.
      The way of Heaven never hurries or delays.  Like seeds that germinate in darkness, the changes and growth in our souls are hidden.  When our soul blossoms, its manifestations appear as kindness, purity of heart and joy.  Each thought along the journey to fruition carries us along without seeking, striving or trying to make things happen.

     Heaven's way is a way of ease.  Obstacles melt away before we reach them.  The ogre at a distance is a friendly, helpful face when seen up close.

     Lean on Heaven's way.  It is the way of fulfillment.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 72

A hundred thousand miracles are happening every day. Flower Drum Song
     Now in the golden light of early morning the quiet of this solitary time fills my room with silent whisperings...
     I feel Your presence as a stirring in my soul.
     With new eyes I see the miraculous in the everyday.
     With new awareness I perceive myself in You.
     As You flow outward as the 10,000 things, You are everywhere.
     Each new day a revelation and a joy.


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Positive Construction - Building the True Foundation

     What makes a tree stand tall and grow many feet into the sky?  What enables a bridge to span the widest river?  What gives stability to even the wandering soul across a lifetime of roaming and seeking?  Deep roots, a firm foundation and connection to the Author of our soul.

     The same principles that are revealed in nature hold true for each of us.  Building a strong foundation for life doesn't necessarily mean living in one place throughout our years.  That has its benefits and also its detriments.  What animates us, what gives us strength to grow and thrive lies deep within our being.

     The stronger we allow our connection to our Source, the more stable we grow, the more we flourish, the more our lives take on a greater meaning.

     It is not in building up muscles to mirror strength; it is not in exercising our brain to retain clarity of mind.  What gives strength and lucidity is stepping out in faith and trusting in the Goodness that surrounds and infills us.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 71 - Balance and Harmony

     True health is being in balance with the 10,000 things.  The world, representing excess, disharmony and extremes, would have you distracted from your true Tao nature of harmony, gratitude, love and joy.

     When thoughts of anger, fear, grief and stress of any kind fill the mind, sickness soon follows.

     Being aware of our thoughts, making peace with those untoward parts of ourselves brings us into harmony with the Tao.

     When we are in harmony with the Tao, our bodies, a magnificent gift, responds with health.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 70 - We Are All Gods

     We have in us all the wisdom of the ages.  Each life is a priceless testament to our God-given heritage.  When we recognize our divinity we walk and speak silently with love - the language of God.  When we are asleep, hypnotized by the world. we speak loudly, harshly, our words true reflections of the turmoil that is within.

     Is it easy to follow the Tao?  Lao Tzu thought so.  His world 2,500 years ago was no different from ours, human nature being what it is.  Hate, prejudice, broken relationships abounded in his day also.  Yet he says the Tao is easy to understand.

     What does it take then to bring out, awaken and live by this beautiful and simple path to peace?  Trust and faith, surrender and compassion... for ourselves and every other being on our planet.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Friday, July 17, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 69 - Who Are Our Enemies

     Those parts of us that we are not able to love come reflectng back to us in others.  Then we call them enemies.

     We are all one and when we perceive an enemy, we break with the Tao to whom we are all equal, all loved.

     There is no room for harmony or for the loving Creator in a heart filled with conflict.

     When we have compassion for those unlovely parts of ourselves, we make peace with the world.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - The Peace That Passes Understanding

     How gently Spirit moves.  How lovingly It nurtures and heals.

     Be patient, my soul, and see the wonder and miracles of God.

     All things that are yours will come without effort.  What is yours cannot be separated from you.

     That is the ultimate understanding:  all things return to their Source.  All things cannot be apart from that which created it.

     In peace I wish you well.  In peace I behold the love of God in you.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 68 - The Ultimate Unity with Heaven

     A cooperating spirit raises us up, a contentious spirit weakens us.

     In all of creation since the world began there has been no one like you.  Like snowflakes, none are alike; the Tao does not duplicate Itself.

     Contests, competitions, any event or life circumstance that pits one against the other can bring profound lessons to those who are aware of the abiding nature of the Tao.  We all come from the Creator; we are one.

     When we fight, resist or contend with a perceived enemy, opponent or difficult situation, we weaken ourselves.  True strength comes from using the perceived difficulty to bring out excellence in whatever we focus on.

     This is the power of the Tao, our unity with Heaven.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 67 - The Three Treasures

     All the qualities of the Tao are within us.  When we tap into that rich treasure house and endeavor to live its wisdom, our lives flow with harmony and peace.

     Love is the great protector.  It is the armor against hate, prejudice and anger.  It resolves conflict and strengthens both foe and friend.  When all are strengthened, all are victorious.

     Nature is both spare and lavish.  Through economy, She bestows the riches of the Earth upon those who use Her gifts wisely.

     "The meek shall inherit the Earth."  Do those words sound familiar?  There is strength in silence, in quieting the towering ego and bringing forth in our nature that wisdom which was given from on high.  Meekness is not weakness.  It takes strength to turn away wrath.  Leading with gentleness and calm, leading with compassion and remaining humble, we honor our Tao nature.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 66 - "It is not I, but the Christ within which does the work."

     How can we claim importance when all inspired thoughts and actions are given by our Source?  In gratitude we lie low and the streams of inspriation flow to us.

     Humbly we receive all the love and bounty of our Creator.  Our hands and hearts are instruments of the Divine to be used in service, God's gifts to give.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 65 - Simplicity

     Even the most beautiful, intricate flower is simply made.  It grows out of a simple plan: to survive and thrive.  Its beauty comes from its true essence.  Each showy form an efficient geometry to actualize its life.

     The Tao has thought of everything.  It gives us life and guides us through it - if we but listen.  It provides us with the discernment to pause and let its wisdom become our own.  All we need to know is silently given in the stillness.  The Tao is available to all.

     While the ego creates drama and complications, the Tao's wise teachings gently come - in the silence.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 64 - Small Steps

     In each tiny detail nature shows the care in creation from the stamen of a flower to a butterfly's wing.  Each form and color carefully expressed reveals an incomprehensible intelligence beyond the scope of the human mind.

     In our lives we can choose to follow our Source in the care in the details of our lives.  No matter how small, love and attention given day by day, reveals the beauty and meaning of our time here on earth.

     All things are small in the beginning.  Let seeds of love be the only ones we grow.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 62 - Within

     The sacred place within, the divine connection to our Source is a place of love and compassion.  In harmony with the Tao, I pray to forgive my errors and those of others.  I pray to live, knowing what I offer will in some way lift up a soul who has put on the ego's guise, the world's 10,000 things and been lost among its thorns.

     How can I do this for myself and every other person I come in contact with?  Gently, as the Tao is gentle, lovingly as the Tao is loving and silently I can offer the gifts of my heart.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 63 - In the Moment

     This is what is given:  a moment. With clarity and calm a moment becomes a lifetime, a daily doing without doing in this moment.

     When centered in the Tao, there are no fears, no worries, no obstacles that cannot be met in this moment.

     Second by second we live our lives.  Second by second we decide and do what is before us to do.  Living in the present moment we receive what we need for now.  And now becomes a lifetime of living moment by moment.

     Each day that we step out in faith our connection to our Source provides what we need to live in this moment.  One foot in front of another, obstacles melt away, our path is clear and we are free.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 61 - Stillness and Receptivity

     In quiet moments I listen with my heart.  I hear the voices of a hundred generations leading me to love.

     In the stillness of the night, when all is hushed and calm, Your Spirit rises in me and I know that I am loved.

     In the dawning of the day, You whisper "This is strength.  For giving and forgiving, receive."

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 60 - Protection

When we are in harmony with the Tao all the benefits of our Creator are bestowed upon us.  All the protection from evil surrounds us.  Our higher nature prevails and evil is rendered impotent.

     In our daily lives there are many opportunities to practice mentally retreating to a higher awareness which protects us from the negative thoughts, words and actions of others.  When we are in that loving space that resonates with the Tao, conflicts defuse and evil dissolves.

  I am patient with myself as I learn to live the Tao.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 59 - Restraint

     The Tao gives without flourishes, without pronouncements, generously and without preamble.  In Its vast loving nature It fills the needs of all creation.

     I marvel at the efficiency of nature; all of creation has its place and time.  It needs no outside influence to "tame" it.  It needs no rule from the hand of man.  When we live in harmony with the Tao, we can let what is, be.

     Long life is given to those whose virtue is rooted deeply in the Tao.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 58 - The One Constant

     In the ever evolving world of the 10,000 things the Tao is ever present, never changing.

     What is seen as good fortune, what is seen as bad luck is a perception that is true for the moment then evolves into its opposite.  That is why relying on outer circumstances to define ourselves is a false identity.  That is why our own hearts are the true indicators of the quality of our lives.

     Accepting the opposing aspects of life and remaining serene and untroubled is having faith in the loving, ever constant Tao.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 57 - Actualization

     The Tao does not will, command nor restrict.  The Tao allows, for each as been created to complete themselves.  The seeds of completion are in themselves.  With purity of mind and heart and spirit, the Tao does so perfectly;  Its beauty evident in its fruits.

     The highest nature is in us, bequeathed by the great Force that does not force.  Our growth is governed by the care and love we are given.  With our roots in the Tao we become as beautiful as our Creator.

     If love and freedom are withheld, we grow impoverished.  With faith and an open heart, we once again can become the beautiful beings that were created before the world began.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 56 - The Secret Embrace

     The secret embrace, where the senses are quieted and where all knowledge is revealed from within, is the true connection.  In this embrace with the Almighty all truth is known and understood; silently without words or thought it comes.

     There is no need for advice or persuasion.  The opinions of others have no effect in this union.  Neither praise nor disparagement can move one who has found peace.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 55 - Living in Harmony

     Coexist in peace and out of that peace a beautiful melding of Spirit happens.  There is one Tao encompassing us, flowing and connecting all things.  In the flow of the Tao we are protected, nurtured and sustained.  In the flow, with ease we live.  There is no striving, no forcing, no manipulating and no competing.

     We back away from turmoil and find our center.  There in the midst of us is strength, reason and harmony.  The Tao guides us through the dark valleys and we fear no evil.

Living in harmony with the Tao, whatsoever we do shall prosper.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 54 - The World Needs You

     An act of kindness, a thought of love has vast repercussions and effect.  A single thought goes out to bless or curse.  Its impact cannot be known; we cannot know who it affects. A single smile, heartfelt and sincere can lift a sorrowing heart, if just for a moment.

     Live as if your thoughts and actions encompass the world, touching those who you have never seen nor ever will.  You are in the stream of Divine Love, a recipient of all the beneficent kindness and beauty of the Tao, as powerful to bless as to destroy.

     Live as if your life is crucial to the survival of the planet...because it is.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 53 - Walking the Great Way

     In your awareness believe that you are a part of all that is.  You are connected to every manifestation that has come forth from the Tao.  In this mind set, each day that you live becomes a prayer, a loving prayer.

     The walk is straight and smooth.  You know when you have strayed.  Unease follows, disquiet replaces peace.  Whether in thought, word or action, the Tao makes Itself known.  It is benign and compassionate.  Join with that loving Presence that knows no ill, holds no grudges, gives no sorrow, loves all equally, lifts up hearts and brings joy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 52 - The Practice of Eternal Light

     Out of nothingness were created the 10,000 things, each a masterpiece.  We can see without analysis, accepting the perfection in each tiny detail. And in this awareness we see with new eyes a reflection of the great Mother.

     A new meaning of clarity emerges and a new meaning of what is meant by strength becomes a living part of our awareness.

     Lao-Tzu cautions on guarding the senses, for in that discipline one can experience the radiance of the Mother.  Light does shine forth in those beautiful moments when we are aware of God all around us and in each creation.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 51 - Completion by the Virtues of the Tao

     The loving Source which created us gave us the freedom to complete ourselves.  It asks nothing from us: neither worship, nor sacrifice.  We can live by Its gentle wisdom or struggle with conflicting desires.

     We can love and appreciate without attachment or expectation.  We can do this with joy and allow what is - be.  We can see ourselves in every creation and give compassionately and lovingly and gently as does our Source.

     That which created us can guide us if we but listen to the gentle Way, the Way of the Heart...and follow.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 50 - Life Everlasting

     I give thanks for this miraculous body that carries my soul.  It is my earthly home, but it is not me.  My essence is spiritual, eternal and connected to my Source.  Source animates and protects me and as I believe, it is done unto me.

     I watch my body age from year to year.  I know each stage of life as beautiful and full of wonder.  I embrace each step along the journey and know that I am given another kind of life and another reality after my earthy home is needed no more - a life everlasting.

     Living without fear of death and knowing that of which I am a part will never forsake me, is the greatest gift the Tao has given me.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 49 - Namasté - Repost

     I honor the place in you where we are all one.

     There is a kinder, gentler, more loving way of life.  It is a life free of judgment, prejudice and condemnation.  It is a life where we see in each other ourselves, our children and our brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers.

     If we can get beyond labels and catagories that have so organized our world, it would transform our planet, not just with us humans, but with every living creature, even the very environment.

     It is that simple.  But it is not that easy.  We have been conditioned over a lifetime to criticize, find fault and condemn.  Being loving to ourselves means not judging, accepting ourselves as we are, not condemning any part of us that does not live up to some "ideal" or someone's idea of the way we "should" be.

     As within, so without.  If we can treat ourselves with kindness, compassion and love, that is what we have to give. Whether or not it is returned, it is in our nature.  It is living with an open heart.  Trust in that. Namasté

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 48 - Enough is Enough

     Accumulating, gathering and letting go.  How much is enough?  Beyond what is needed, why seek more?

     As I ask for illumination, what thoughts come?  Live simply, live humbly and live each precious moment that is given.

     For all the moments of life are a gift:  the beauty of the Earth, seedtime and harvest, the unfolding of a life.  Each season, each phase of life a joy.

     Here in the quietude of early morning, I am free to just be... and it is enough.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 47 - The Beat of My Heart

"Dancing to the beat of my heart
To the rhythm of the drummer within me
Never gonna stop what it starts
I'm dancing to the beat of my heart"
Beat of My Heart by U.S.E.

     It is not necessary to travel the world.  It is not necessary to climb mountains or traverse the sea.  All is within our beings, animated and sustained by our hearts.

     All the wisdom we need is contained within that miraculous bit of muscle, giving us life and illuminating our minds with its steady rhythm.

     Be still and its whisperings are guide posts through life; follow and be blessed. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 46 - Our Words Have Wings

So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11

     As humans we have no concept how powerful we are.  Our very words can be slayers or healers.  It is up to us to seek the loving inclinations of our hearts.  We have the power to choose; we have the freedom to choose.

     We have the potential of both hate and love, cruelty and kindness, dissension and peace within our being - if only in fleeting thoughts.

     We can find the pathways that lead to the Tao and make them our own, living them day by day, seeking them and finding them in every circumstance and encounter of our lives.  They open up before us like a flower or the dropping of a mask that now reveals our own tender hearts.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 45 - Perfection

     It is simple.  Miracles are all around us.  Looking through the eyes of love, all is perfect.

     I have been led through unspeakable anguish to that high place where self knowledge blended with compassion has opened my eyes to the perfection of the Universe..

     And as we rise, as we become more and more in the likeness of our Creator, our stumbling, our flares of anger, our ineptitudes, our judgments and condemnations lead us to a silent place within ourselves that knows our heart and gives us peace.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 44 - The Way Back

     The day spreads out before me like a lavish feast. What shall I fill the hours with?  What shall I occupy my mind with?  What shall I put my hand to?

     The world of the 10,000 things with all its enticing, shiny, sparkly distractions, beckons.

     Source knows my heart: what will fulfill it, what will give me joy, what will last, nourish, give life and endure.

     So I come to Source and open to the peace that loving Presence gives.

     "He opens His hand
     And satisfies the desires of every living thing."
                                              Psalm 145:16

Monday, March 30, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 43 - Flowing

     Gently, softly, silently flows nature.  In harmony, embracing each moment, let what is yours flow to you.

     It is easy, this allowing, letting what is, be.  Letting what is your own come to you.  There is no rushing, no striving, no haste to make this moment end before its time.

     The bud opens and the blossom spills its perfume upon the ambient air.  The dolphin jumps; the bird takes flight.  Each knows its joy - without effort, without strain.

     Flowing like water, silently, steadily, softly... be.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 42 - Duality

     As silence grows, so grows clarity.  When words are not enough, knowing comes.
And truth, whatever form it takes in this moment, reveals the essence of my thoughts.

   I contain,
   Both love and indifference,
   Both unity and divisiveness,
   Both majesty and commoness,
   Both harmony and discord.
   Both reverance and distain.

     It is my lot to garden wisely this fertile ground of my mind, uprooting that which chokes the beauty that is always there.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 41 - It's Not Easy Being Green

It's not easy being green.
You blend in with so many ordinary things.
         Kermet the Frog

     It does not matter if the way is solitary nor if it is obscure and not easily understood.

     It does not matter if a world that values glitz and glamour turns its back on your small light.

     What is true power, what is true strength comes in quiet hours.  It comes with love and peace - its greatest gifts.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 40 - Rise and Fall

     Rise and fall, rise and fall - the ego's trip through the bumpy road of life. A hectic ride where one's existence depends on outside approval, accumulation and appearances.

     I did not know that insults, injuries, injustices, betrayals and obstacles were signposts leading me back to what is real, true and of the Spirit.

In these seemingly misfortunes and weaknesses, can I yield gracefully and gratefully to the loving Spirit that shows me the way back to It?

     The ego bristles and rages, lashing out to protect itself from life's so called "threats".  Puffed up on its own delusions, it does not know the gentle voice that whispers, "yield, return and be My own."

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 39 - We Are One

"Wonderer, worshipper, lover of leaving, it doesn't matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vow
a thousand times.
Come, yet again, come, come."
     So long I have perceived myself as separate, apart and experiencing this life as a solitary being.  Yes, there have been little inroads to oneness and to wholeness along the way.  And more so now these past months as I read the Tao.
     Like ripples in a pond, a word, a glance, a seemingly small gesture, radiates out and where it touches and who it touches and how it touches another human heart cannot be known.  This web of life encompasses all: every creature, every plant, every mountain and star.
     Our hearts that know life, give life, give love, give kindness, give compassion and give joy.
     Let our beings soar in the knowledge that we are of a piece, an interwoven fabric, whose threads are many but of one pattern, simple, harmonious and whole.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 38 - Our Highest Nature

     It is easy to allow the most loving inclinations of the heart.  Without judgment, without striving to be good or just or impartial, it flows unhindered and naturally.  It is our nature, our highest nature and as sons and daughters of the living God, it is our legacy.

     To be true to those soft and silent whisperings, those knowing feelings of trust, is to be in that flow of energy that creates worlds and harmonizes with the music of the spheres.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 37 - Innate Knowledge

    "Does a bird stop singing because
it can't read music?"
Loosely quoted from "Never on Sunday"

     The Tao does without doing.  The essence of each of us, infilled with the Spirit that created us, unfolds perfectly, allowing that Spirit of love free reign.  All gets done, all accomplished with perfect timing.

     The seasons transpire at the perfect time, the rose blooms as it is ready and the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis at exactly the right moment. They do not need "helping hands". The innate knowledge of their being is already there, given to them before the world was.

     In a moment of calm, I retreat to the silence, the center of my being, where all is known and understood.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 36 - What Lasts and Endures

"In quietness and confidence
shall be your strength".
    Isaiah 30:15

     Ebb and flow, the tide at its zenith retreats and grows shallow.

     What lasts and endures makes no outer display of itself.  What grows strong, what expands, what flourishes will grow weak, will retreat, will diminish.

     No effort is needed to be at one with the Tao.  It is aware of everything, recognizes everything It has created.

     There is no need to compete, no need to be above another.  The flame of celebrity burns out and turns to ash.

     What lasts and endures can only be found in oneness with the Tao.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 35 - Worldly Pleasure

" is so little we know of pleasure,
Pleasure that lasts as the snow."
       Kenneth Patchen

     Worldly pleasure, that fleeting, sensory bliss.  Does it really give a life calm, peace, joy and true serenity?  When it subsides, and it does, what is left?  Another experience that leaves one bereft and wanting more.

 The physical is but one aspect of pleasure.  To seek the Tao ever present in Its creation is to find a lasting bliss.  It gives all, that is what Its nature is.  It gives to us Its essence.  To be aware of Its presence in all that we behold, touch, taste and hear is knowing that which is lasting, that which gives true peace and joy.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 34 - Greatness

     We are creations of the Tao as is all living things in the world.  How great it is to have such parentage!

     Invisible, silent and all pervasive, It fills and surrounds us in a gentle, loving way. It does not need our worship or our praise.  It does not need nor want our sacrifice.  It gives and asks nothing in return.  Therefore, It is great and as we follow this loving, humble and compassionate Creator, we are great also.

     Can I see the greatness in you?  Without preconceived notions of right and wrong, beyond labels the world or my limited perception has placed upon you, can I see you as a child of God, perfect and complete, giving and loving in your own unique way?

     Let me look today with eyes in the clear vision of love.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 33 - Inner Knowing

     The Intelligence that flows through every aspect of the 10,00 things flows through me.  Not only does it heal and regenerate working always to bring equilibrium, it is aware of my feelings and with compassionate benevolence offers Its solace, beauty and calm.

     With silent grace, It is present.  As I listen within and allow feelings of dismay, wounded pride and sorrow  to flow and let be, those feelings will subside; the all-knowing, everywhere present Tao remains and guides me toward inner strength and self-mastery.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 32 - Gently Down the Stream

     How easy life is when we flow with ease, with grace and with joy.  We are one with the great fabric of life that surrounds us, infills us and is ever loving to us in the degree that we are aware of its presence. It cannot be diminished or exhausted and it encompasses all things in the world.

     Ever late I come to the table.  But I am here now and arrive at the perfect time; not looking back with regrets, knowing my unfoldment was divinely ordained and seeing with new eyes.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 31 - No Need to Defend

     Even if in my mind I defend myself at your expense and the need to justify and prevail dominates, those thoughts go out to injure you and we both are in disharmony with the loving flow of life.

     Even if I raise my voice in anger or outrage, the very air vibrates with chaos and God cannot be found in this barren wasteland of destruction.

     Why do I raise these unloving thoughts against you?  Am I protecting myself from injury or heartbreak?  Now I am strong enough to know that I am safe and the ego's rants are just a crying out for protection and are not needed anymore.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 30 - I Will Fight No More Forever - Chief Joseph

     When words wound,
     it is the speaker
     who is diminished.

     The place inside themselves
     where thoughts of injury arise
     becomes a wasteland
     where there is no
     trace of God.

     The wounded take
     the blow that breaks the heart
     and opens wider
     for God's healing grace
     and loves still more
     from that place.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 29 - There is a time for every purpose under Heaven

     There is a comfort knowing that the Divine has it all figured out and there is no need to jostle for position, "make" something happen, or control anyone or anything.  There is a time for action and a time to just let it be.

     Often when I just "let it be", it takes on a life of its own, following a sublime path, and with a feeling of awe, I watch as everything naturally falls into place without my interference.

     The natural way is a stressless journey, allowing and following the gentle nudging from within, finding an effortless path through life.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 28 - Orginal Virtues

     "Be a valley under heaven. 
      Preserve your original virtues
      before the world began."

     What was bestowed on me, I give:  the original virtues of kindness, gentleness and love, freely given, freely received and given again.

     It is our heritage from the Creator.  It is our guide in all matters and in all circumstances of the world.  It cannot fail.  It seeks not fame or acknowlegement, or special consideration.  It belongs to all.

     It flows, if allowed, in every loving word and deed.  It asks nothing.  Its nature is love, and it is our nature as well.

     When I find it in another, we are one.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 27 - Oneness

     Trusting in the great Tao where all is given, nothing withheld, give freely, receive lovingly.

     Trusting in the great Tao where all are loved without regard to position, wealth or judgment, love impartially; we are all one.

     Teacher and student are one; the seemingly wise are the greatest students of all, open to the light that illuminates and guides each soul.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 26 - Stillness

     To be still is to feel the presence of our loving Source, filling the inner chambers of our being - a reassuring comfort when all around us is rushing to and fro:  seeking, acquiring, contending, justifying.  Their voices loud, shrill or quietly reasonable.

     Let it go.  Let the world blame, accuse, do the unholy dance of worldly justice.  Centered in peace, worlds reside within - golden moments of clarity and faith in the wondrous Spirit of love.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 25 - The Greatness of the Tao

     The greatness that created us is in each one.  It cannot be otherwise.  We are in the likeness of our Creator and living in an awareness of that greatness dismisses every untoward thought that diminishes us. 

     As we let the doubts pass from us, we join with the great Love that knows us, the great Love that has compassion for us, the great Love that gives everything, knows everything and is everywhere, gently pervading each moment with Its truth.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 24 - Gratitude

     Giving love is the natural way.  Must we be reminded to be kind?  We who received the love that pours down from our great Source, never wavering, never diminishing, true and steadfast.

     It is everywhere, this great love.  It has no need to make of Itself important.  It has no need to receive our devotion.  It gives and gives and gives.

     In harmony with the Tao, walk the path of gratitude, for the beauty and the love that is always there.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 23 - Returning

     Rise and fall: nature's way.  Without hurry it comes.

     It comes like a storm at its zenith, like a wind at its strongest, a tide that mounts and spills its watery excess and retreats to a calm, placid sea.

     It is the way of nature to return, to find that place of equilibrium; it is patient and unhurried. 

     And so it goes that storms subside, that crises pass, that sorrow flees and runs its course  It is the way that hearts revive, that life returns, that joy once more blossoms in the soul.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 22 - A New Year

     Let go.
     Allow the raging storms to pass.
     Bend to the winds of change.
     They will subside.

     Open to the Mystery
     that comforts, that renews
     and heals.
     Empty of the thoughts
     clinging to the past.
     Live now, each moment
     a revelation, a return
     to the wonder and
     to the joy.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 21 - The Creator's Touch

     The loving touch of the Creator is everywhere - seen and unseen.  It is felt as awe as I see outside my window the dark and graceful branches of bare trees, so silent and still.  It is mirthfully revealed as a child dances to the beat of a subway platform band and because I can feel and see and know of the Creator's touch, it is inside me.

     It is knowing that to find it, I need only look inside myself.  There is no there; there is only here and only now and it is enough.  It has no needs; it only gives and its beauty and compassion silently, gently flows.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 20 - Here is Home; It is Enough

     No need, it is provided  No seeking, it is in sight.  No longing to be somewhere else, here is perfect.

     The Tao has set me in a place and time where I can contemplate my completeness. Here and now, where I am is home; what I am is enough.

Each precious moment unfolds to reveal the next radiant and peaceful moment.

     The deer turns and is still.  It is good to wait in that sweet moment of readiness and awareness when in the blink of an eye a great adventure awaits.  We are ready, this doe and I, to spring forth upon this day and trust that we will be welcome with open arms.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 19 - Yielding

     Out where all is given, there is no need for imposition.  There is no need to see things my way. There is a way that is true for all.  It is the way of recognition and awareness of the perfection of creation.  It is simple and pervasive.

     I lean not on my own understanding:  limited, shadowed darkly with the years of struggle, strife and regrets.  But I yield to the highest, kindest, most loving influences that I am now capable of.

    I feel Your presence grows as my recognition and awareness grows.  There is a place for You here, at the heart of me - leading me with love.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 18 - Giving

     Trusting in the great Way to guide my heart, I see love and kindness in each person.  Beneath the apparent sorrow, anger, inharmony, I see a loving child of God, needing a soft consoling word.  What can I give?  What have I to give?  My heart knows and I follow.

     These are my laws:  give kindness always, be generous always, respect and compassion always and in all ways.  Be true to the best and most loving inclinations... my guiding star.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 17 - Allowing

     Allowing to let what is, be.  Trusting the Spirit within to guide.  The beauty of creation knows, without influence, its own perfect essence.

     And so it grows, becoming and blooming, feeling only the lightness of a loving Hand.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 16

     Beginnings and endings.  A natural part of the cycle of life.  The flows goes on.  It is beautiful in its simplicity.  The arising and the fall flourishing, then the subsiding and diminishing and the ending only to give rise to a new beginning.  It is perfect; it is constant and impartial.  It is the only sure thing - change.

     It is welcome as I allow myself to be a part of it, in thought and deed.  I allow - I clasp the loving hand that is the Source.  It is comforting; it is peaceful.  I allow, I embrace, I give thanks.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 15

     Flow, easy, effortless, without strain, only desire set free.  It comes as a gentle stream from the Great Void, the Void where all good originates.

     This is sure, this the Way.  In its time It comes and nourishes and fills.  Lovingly, softly, leaving nothing undone, It comes.

     This is my rock.  This is my shelter.  This I trust.  It knows my heart.  It is my heart beat.  It is my sustenance.

     Beside still waters, It restores my soul.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 14 - A Walking Meditation

     Having an open focus, seeing beyond appearances, beyond form, listening to the silence, then the arising of a sound, aware of its subtle rising and falling, then its diminishing.  The origin, that beginning without beginning, where we all had our birth, the knowing of the unknowable, aware of the oneness of all, living in harmony with all.

     All the thoughts of all who ever existed, suspended in the vast substance that surrounds and permeates all creation.  Living with that and adding to it, joining with it and living in peace.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Inspired by Verse 50

     A few leaves yet cling to the branches of the magnificent oak outside my window.  They glow golden brown in the morning sun.  There is a beauty in their brittle grasp.  I remember when that tree pushed forth its pale green buds when the Earth once again warmed in its season then emerged in full leaf.  Birds found their home among its branches: a sonorous population.

     Letting go of life, you find it.  Letting go of the cares and trials of life you find a gentle loving peace.

     Letting go of fears, embracing the Mystery, you realize life unending.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Nasmasté

"I honor the place in you where we are all one."

     There is a kinder, gentler, more loving way  of life.  It is a life free of judgment, prejudice and condemnation.  It is a life where we see in each other ourselves, our children and our brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers.  If we can get beyond judgmental labels and categories that have so organized our world, it would transform our planet, not just with us humans, but with every living creature and our very environment.

     It is that simple.  But it is not that easy.  We have been conditioned over a lifetime to criticize, find fault and condemn.  The first step is with ourselves.  Being loving to ourselves means not judging, accepting ourselves as we are, not condemning any part of us that does not live up to some "ideal" or someone's idea of the way we "should" be.

As within, so without.  If we can treat ourselves with kindness, compassion and love, that is what we give away; that is what we have to give away.  Whether or not it is returned, it is our nature.  It is living with an open heart.  Trust in that.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 13

     The world of the 10,000 things seeks to distract and influence.  My own true nature is a deep connection to Spirit.  Outside, external pressures fall away.

     I have become strong through affliction and hard lessons.  They have taught me faith and gratitude.  I am true to the Self that is without form, to the I AM that is everyone.  Let me hold in my heart everything lovely and true.  Peace follows.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 12

     Most of humanity has yet to discover the riches of the inner world, having been infatuated with outer appearances.  A few have to some degree; fewer still have evolved to that point.  If we could fully experience that peaceful Kingdom, the world would fall away... the world of striving, accumulating, searching, desiring.

     When we realize that all we need is within, we would live our lives in that sublime state and with awe and gratitude know God.

     The great Creator of the Universe has perfectly formed each unfolding, from seed to full bloom. As we trust in that great Intelligence which knows Its own, our lives flow peacefully and beautifully, existing in form for a brief moment in time then merging with our origin for all eternity.