Sunday, March 27, 2016

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 27 - The Gift

     There is a place for everything.  There is a way for everything: a quiet way, a loving way.  To glide easily through life, to learn and give and accept is to follow and trust in the Tao, the creative path.

     It seems simple, but it is not.  If we hold fast to our own ideas, opinions and convictions, we find the road is a bumpy one.  Other's ideas and opinions rub us the wrong way, try as we might to be impartial and open to all on all levels.

     The path of the sage leads us through the world knowing that all is fluid, creative and beneficent if we can be open to that nonjudgmental state of mind.

     That is the way to peace Jesus spoke about, the peace that passeth understanding.  I pray on this Easter morning that I can be open to receive this gift that was given with love and at great cost.   

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 26

Spin as you will.
The center holds
a stillness and peace
beyond chaos and clamor.

Return to the sanctuary at
the core of your being
for all that is sane
resides within.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Further Thoughts Along the Journey- Verse 25 - We Come From Greatness

     The Tao, the essence of natural law, the nurturing Mother creates perfection.  Evidence of this can be seen in the movement of the galaxy, a blade of grass and the sparkle in a child's eye.

     When we align with the fact that we come from greatness we align ourselves with every noble inclination of our hearts and with that pervading mindset what follows us and is drawn to us are beauty and greatness of soul.

     There is no benefit to the world we live in if we belittle or critisze ourselves.  Created with the same perfection that endowed a rose with sweetness and the butterfly a painterly wing, thinking of ourselves and others as part of the greatness of creation lifts the entire race "up where we belong."