Saturday, December 19, 2015

Further Thoughts Along the Journey - Verse 16 - The Return

     As I look out my window this bright December morning the trees are now bare.  For awhile there, it seemed as if they would cling to the branches indefinitely.  In a few days it will be officially Winter, a time when Nature sleeps.  We humans use this time to color our days with festivals, parties and overindulgences of every kind in order to keep the darkness at bay.

     In this dark and quiet time renewal takes place, whether we resist it or embrace it.  The sage is aware that this is a time to return to our root Source and be aware that endings are a signal that there are new beginnings emerging.

     Broken relationships, job changes, transitioning from this earthly plane and a hundred other endings that are faced in the course of this journey can be painful if held with attachment.  Endings are impartial and if dealt with a compassionate heart and not resisted can be a welcome for new possibilities.

     In quiet times amid the comings and goings of the season let us be aware of our Source, letting the constant Love that is always there welcome us home.

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