Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Heart Knows What the Heart Knows

     Learning to trust in myself has been one of the greatest challenges of my life.  Here we are, all different yet all the same, all connected.  We have our own unique perspective and for each person, that perspective is relevant and valid.  As we grow older we become more and more ourselves, the one that was made and the mold was broken.  I think we honor our Creator when we acknowledge that.

     When I look at nature, there is no struggle, just the unfolding of what has been created: whole, perfect, true.  It is just that certainty that encourages me to relax and just be.  Some call it letting go and letting God.  I call it trusting my heart.


  1. Bless you, my DEAR FRIEND~and did I ever need to hear , feel & be some LOVE
    & you pour it upon me......HEART..........I simply love your page....I WILL FOLLOW YOU.
    ...............BLESSINGS..............tried to leave a heart....................

    1. Things are looking up. And so are we. Blessings.

  2. ...............♥♥♥...............there you go....:~
